Hello All!
Sorry for the lack of updates. I was snowed in for the last 3 months and unable to communicate with the outside world. Haha... well, not exactly, but it sure felt that way sometimes.
This picture is after the first Spring false alarm. The snow was gone and the weather was beautiful for two days... then it all came back overnight.
But now we're entering the home stretch... seriously, I stretched all the way to America last week for the most beautiful and fabulous wedding. When I came back, the snow was gone for good! What a sweet feeling.
One of the biggest highlights of the past few weeks is an English club I've had the blessing of being involved in. I'm partnering with a Czech YoungLife leader to work in a local high school. We meet with several guys every week and talk about life and love and language. These guys are so great. They ask such good questions and always keep me on my toes.
My work at the elementary school has been going well also. My students have been immersed in creating art for an upcoming charity auction to help Haiti. I love seeing them so ready and willing to help others. I know that the heart of Jesus is displayed in all of his creation... even if they don't know it.
Velikonoce (EASTER) is this Sunday! I can't believe it. This year is really flying by. Pray for me as a develop lessons and have conversations. I hope to share with my students that this day is about so much more than eggs, pretty colors, and spring time. New life is available for all!
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